Hello, World.

I'm Riaz Khan.

More About Me

About Myself

My name is Riaz Khan, working as an Jr AI Developer in MyMedicalHUB International Ltd. I completed my B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering in 2022 from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET). Before working as an Jr AI developer I was working as a research assistant at a research group of RUET under professor Dr. Sajal Kumar Das. I worked there for 2 years and got experience in machine learning, deep Learning, control systems, and power delivery systems. My first research paper was published in IEEE Access which was a survey on microgrid, smart grid, virtual power plant, and their control system. Then I worked on the transformer's health assessment and prediction using machine learning in my undergrad thesis. I published the work in Electric Power System Research.
I love to build full stack web app with Django and React Js. However I used PHP and JQuery when I was a beginner.


Check Out Some of My Works.

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Transformer Health Classifier (Autoencoders, LR, SVM, Decision Tree, Naive Bias)

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Abnormal Motion Detection (Computer Vision)

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Marriage Partner Finder App (Django, JavaScript)

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CMS (Django, JavaScript, Bootstrap)

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Cricket Winner Predictor Model


Check Out Some of My Publications.

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Power transformer health condition evaluation: A deep generative model aided intelligent framework

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Energy sustainability–survey on technology and control of microgrid, smart grid and virtual power plant

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Deep Learning Techniques for Transmission Line Fault Diagnosis: A Comparative Evaluation